Adulting is Hard, Anxiety is Harder

Today's post comes from a place closer to home rather than the latest news or technology endeavor: "Anxiety disorders affect nearly 1 in 5 American adults each year." That's 20%! As many that know me would attest, I tend towards logical thinking rather than emotions; however, a few years after college that changed - anxiety hit me like a brick wall. I thankfully had a strong support system and sought help in learning how to cope from day to day; it's amazing the turnaround I saw just by practicing simple daily techniques that I previously would've scoffed at. For those who have it, it's not just one step - it's one of thousands and an everyday fight, but most importantly, know that you're not alone. (After all, 64.28 MILLION of us deal with anxiety here in the US!) And, lastly, feel free to call me if there's anyway I can help.