"Dollars & Sense" Behind Mayweather-McGregor Match Up

The historic top grossing fight, Mayweather-Pacquiao, will be given a run for its money come this August when Mayweather-McGregor have agreed to meet up. The two boxers are known for their loyalty to cash and given their prior earnings - McGregor himself just $40M in 2016 - this matchup has major bucks on the line. Between ticket sales, pay-per-view revenue, betting, sponsorships, and merchandise sales, the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight grossed a total of $623.5M. However, projections for this fight are about $17M lower mostly due to a disappointing finish in the historic matchup and this isn't a title fight (meaning the $/ticket won't be as high, although more seats may be available for purchase). Coming in at a forecasted $606.1M, the Mayweather-McGregor fight surely isn't just a kick of the bucket, but will be interesting to watch how the final totals up.