The FCC & Internet Regulation

Have you ever thought about where we would be without the internet? I surely wouldn't be writing on a public domain to all of you. Since its birth, the internet has brought along many discussions of regulation and just who is supposed to be steering that ship. With the recent election brought a new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the recirculation of the "Web's hottest political topic - net neutrality". According to the tech community's online campaigns, "The FCC wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online. If they get their way, they’ll allow widespread throttling, blocking, censorship, and extra fees.” Whatever your opinion may be, there are a couple avenues that could be taken aside from net neutrality such as regulating the internet as a public utility or repeal net neutrality altogether and allow "providers to experiment with different models". However, at this point, it's up to the FCC to choose just how things will move forward over the next decade in internet growth.