The Juice is Loose...on parole that is

Today O.J. Simpson was granted parole after 9 years served in prison. For those of you who don't know Mr. Simpson, he is better known for his connections with the Kardashian family....or when he was thought to have killed a young woman with a knife, and the first Kardashian husband, Mr. Robert Kardashian, helping write the famous line "if [the glove] doesn't fit, you must acquit." ~Johnny Cochran

However, despite the gruesomeness of that alleged crime, O.J. was actually sentenced for armed robbery and kidnapping. Since then, Mr. Simpson has been a model inmate who never created any problems. He was also deemed by the state to, not only be a first time offender, but at a low risk to commit an offense again. More importantly though, Mr. Simpson was likely granted parole for serving his 9 year sentence, which is the minimum term for the crime he committed in that respective state. All in all, the Parole Board had almost no choice but to let go of the individual that has captured the minds of so many for so long.