
The REAL Diagnosis

It's no secret. Depression and "its twin sister, anxiety" have increased exponentially around the world in people from all sorts of backgrounds. Originally gaining diagnosing popularity in the 1970s, depression immediately seemed to consume much of society with a wide range in strength of prescriptions. Over time, doctors found that patients were actually behaving exactly as one could expect in a given situation and/or environment. Only recently, have more in depth studies started to see a light:

"In its official statement for World Health Day in 2017, the United Nations reviewed the best evidence and concluded that 'the dominant biomedical narrative of depression' is based on 'biased and selective use of research outcomes' that 'must be abandoned'. We need to move from 'focusing on ‘chemical imbalances’', they said, to focusing more on 'power imbalances'."

It's relatively difficult to summarize this entire article in a few short sentences. I highly recommend setting aside a bit of time to give this one a read. Whether you or someone you know have had a run in with depression and/or anxiety or, possibly, you've never run into either, I can guarantee you will find a breath of fresh air. It's not about what's wrong with "you or me", it's about meeting basic psychological needs; needs that are becoming a little tougher to come by than they used to be.