
Apple Posts Job Ad Only Few Can Find

Nothing quite like the reward of a new job opportunity when solving a puzzle. Apple recently hid an advertisement "for a talented engineer to develop a critical infrastructure component that is to be a key part of the Apple ecosystem." However, this wasn't just any kind of hiding - the ad "was listed under [a] web address...[which is one] of a series of servers that belong to Apple". Zack Whittaker, cyber-security reporter, "discovered it by chance while analyzing some data being sent from iPhone apps" but isn't looking to apply for the position. Although this isn't the first time "'hidden' messages [have been used] in recruitment campaigns", Apple's unique way of enticing potential recruits not only screens them before ever applying, but also proves out an innovative way of critical thinking. 

Vitality of Texas Oil & Gas Industry

Oil and gas has long been a key industry promoting economic growth nationwide - even globally. However, here in Texas, the industry has a significant impact on multiple factors from city/state revenue to overall employment. The uptick and seeming stability above $40/boe from last August has increased the nation's rig count and, in turn, production, employment, and growth. Nationwide, the Permian Basin out in the west of the state accounts for 40% of the total rig count and 55% of the industry's jobs nationwide. Over the past few months, the steady increase in rig count has increased jobs by 3,300 in the region with 72% of that being in the service sector. This growth, layered with higher priced production hedges and increased nation exports will allow the price of oil to continue to rise, at least through year end.