Stock Market

Ford Focuses on Future

Amidst a continuous decline in stock price, Ford is forced to reassess their strategic direction in an effort to appease Wall Street and find their long term stride. A few plans have been cited on the CEO's agenda including "scaling back production of cars [during time of increased demand in larger vehicles], paying down debt..., willingness to exit businesses or parts of the world..., and/or creating new be a big player in the autonomous industry". However, in the meantime, there has been discussion of a cut in headcount in order to quickly start this rebound period. Although losing valued employees is never easy, personnel is one of the higher costs in a company's expenses and an understandable initial focus area. 

The Oracle of Omaha having to take a safe bet investment because of a dip in Q1 earnings.

The oil and gas industry isn't the only thing that has suffered lower earnings over the past couple years. The Man of the Midwest, who's infamous for his long term, hardy investment timeline, has doubled down on his dedication to maintain this outlook despite depressed earnings. Warren Buffett's company is now the largest shareholder in Apple stock.